Автор: Юлія Лапушанська
i am tired
nights without sleep
messages without respect
not living
“His eyes were like a flame of fire, and he wore many crowns on his head. He had a name written on him, but no one except himself knows what it is.”
Revelation 19:12 GNBUK
“The armies of heaven followed him, riding on white horses and dressed in clean white linen.”
Revelation 19:14 GNBUK
“Those who win the victory will receive this from me: I will be their God, and they will be my children.”
Revelation 21:7 GNBUK
“Those who win the victory will receive this from me: I will be their God, and they will be my children.”
Revelation 21:7 GNBUK
“The twelve gates were twelve pearls; each gate was made from a single pearl. The street of the city was of pure gold, transparent as glass.”
Revelation 21:21 GNBUK
“The gates of the city will stand open all day; they will never be closed, because there will be no night there.”
Revelation 21:25 GNBUK