devil is written from the small letter
Автор: Юлія Лапушанська
but at least I have a story they know me I am sure devil knows my name the interesting moment people in church may not always will worship the Lord don’t be scared people in church may worship church you may see it by what content they post what they talk about all the time do they preach gossip? do they hate God by criticising others all the time? God is in a church but God is not church and people inside can be other it’s not the reason to stop attend n e v e r people will abandon you God - never you may go through m big pain right now i supposed he will be with me forever how my story of many years of communication with one saving myself to the marriage not holding even hands before being proposed turned on into him bulling my during ALL THE TIME so much that i must to block him everywhere possible to just live? and still not everywhere i don’t know it’s devil easy to say God knows God only knows how great satan try to lie how great he makes it the devils lie is huge it’s always starts from the head glory to the Lord He heals my mind! and knows in what I should believe and in what not glory to the Lord He teaches me to respect yourself stop others bullying me bullying always goes from the jealousy alcohol helps in it i hate alcohol i hate it hate hate hate hate i hate it how do you think did i liked the phrase being in other country when all the documents were already in a process that the husband has suddenly buried alcohol instead of lemonade … it’s sad i was opened about all of my everything i shared everything i could for what? to hear that one girl has proposed him during me being in a woman’s room o mann i can’t it’s awful this trap i hate it unfaithfulness i hate disloyalty i don’t get it and never will i get i knew i was in it i know the devils lie and how it’s sometimes how much devil lies how great it looks like but still i hate it hate just hate i hate but forgive sure including myself being just blind before God hasn’t given me His cream for my eyes to see