Автор: Юлія Лапушанська
God, I am here. Just for You. I have always been here. I trust You. I need You. God, I am here. Just for You. I am ready to do everything You will tell to... At least, I hope so, ok?: God, I am here and I need You. I need Your provision for me. I need Your control under my life. I need Your wisdom. I need You. As always. Daddy, You are so great. Without You my hands are nothing. Without You I can't breathe. You wake me up every morning And inspires to do Your words God, You are so great. I couldn't even imagine. You give me so much and Increase my growth. To You. It's all to You. God, I am here. As always. I can go nowhere without You and You glory under my life. God, I am here and I am so thankful For being still alive. God, I am here and I am thankful For living the best ever life. God, You are full of glory and You will provide. I trust. God, I trust You. And need You. And sorry for calling Your name so many times. Through the whole day. All days ahead. You create every my day So good that it's starting To be similar to the miracle. God, You are so sweet. It's about love.