Юлія Лапушанська - it will provide a lot

it will provide a lot

it will provide a lot

your pain
exactly this one
you feel right now
the reward of it will be the huge blessing
to many
you can trust
to the Lord

even if it’s so scary
even you the waters of shame
are overcoming you
and you don’t feel you even been able to breath

God is here
right now
in your story and His work on beging
behind the scenes
is so powerful

but you don’t see it
don’t feel

it’s ok

He is greater

than your disappointments
lost hearts
lost hopes

even if you don’t feel
like being able to move
at all

even if those who supposed
to be your best friends
and your biggest protectors

even if you
single mom
even if your parents died
you’ve gone through divorce

it it just happened
in your head many times

even if the shame was so big
that still keeps you
if your relatives are ashamed of you
even if your mother doesn’t believe in you
and your future
your husband hates you
so much that you can’t exist

God has overcome it all

He knows your pain
it is so deep
but His love is bigger

He is so real
and you are
s o

precious in His eyes

even if you feel yourself lost
even if no one can help you
even if you scared
just to exist
and exist no place where you can hide
where you can be safe

where you can just feel you ok

it’s ok
you don’t need it

Jesus is your home
God is your protectors

He gives the divine protection
He is higher
and higher
and higher
than anything that bothers you

you can trust Him

with your broken heart
because He heels some of like this


I am broken
right now
so much
I can’t breath
I have no real friends
no career
no family
everyone has left me
I can’t move by myself
I am stuck
and no one can help me

“But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.””
‭‭Luke‬ ‭10‬:‭41‬-‭42‬ ‭ESV‬‬

добавил: Julia Lapushanska 5 читателей

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