don’t ask
Автор: Юлія Лапушанська
why i kicked my husband i tried to protect myself firstly i was telling him that his words are painful to me he didn’t hear me it was so painful that my heart was broken many times maybe he didn’t know it’s not the best idea to bull a person you suppose to love and protect he had my key the key from my house i was under stress after the start of the war changing my place of living i hated the idea of living in the same house with different flats in them but housemaster needed money i think so but don’t know maybe he wanted to help i am thankful to him the thankfulness was huge i’ve never seen people so good to me i’ve read to the end my book i’ve took with my self the success of Mary Key her story i’ve read it in bus and had with myself in a shirt polish bible in a little pocket i was so afraid and scared during the way through ukraine to Poland that was reading it through the long hours of the way praying over every possible situation we were safe God was watching over us i’ve knew i needed to move before it even happened i was misunderstood by my church and it was in my whole city and in the country also many people knew SDA ones what happened i was in police one person had written that i was guilty i was listening to the Lord and it’s written love the neighbour as yourself so yea after it when i was abandoned by my church leaders and many people judging and hating they many of them still don’t communicate with me and i know why i know why they trust gossip without asking i remember that moments if preaching in police saying them about my beliefs and after it understanding my limits and boundaries better i can’t safe a person without them wanting if i can’t it’s their decision if they want to die it’s their choice and it’s hard but true it is don’t care anymore about being abandoned by people God has always family and people for me if i wouldn’t be too proactive in my local church i would start being proactive in my SDA telegram life being administrator of many christian channels and always on touch my our youth if i would be left by it i would renew my blogger career aka digital ministry so yea God always knows and HIs ways are better and hello i am Julie Jull Julia Ju just Lia and i am not perfect but God does and God has given me hope John Maxwell has been misunderstood too in police best even after the Jesus leader I ever know who was living in this planet author of many live-changing books Didenok was also restricted in his local church and now he is manager and has a blogger agency taking care of the most popular influencers in his country and sharing Gospel to celebrities all the time it’s power God has a power over my life I can’t control everything Jesus was hated for loving them He was highly disrespected by people it’s ok if they hate you you are Gods child He knows it all . you shouldn’t be scared of people God is here