Даниэль Хосейни - Saint Tatiana

Saint Tatiana

Saint Tatiana

Also dedicated to my Russian friend Tatiana

Saint Tatiana

Hail, o thou holy virgin-martyr Tatiana,
Through you God shamed the proud jurist Ulpian,
Destroying idols, temples and the pagan priests,
Expelling devils in the reign of snooty king Severus Alexander.

A Christian raised you up, you longed
For piety, for holiness and Godly goodness.
To Savior Jesus you so wanted to belong,
Preserving your virginity along with lovingkindness.

The evil judge had captured you in Rome,
Demanding honor to the heinous sculptures.
By martyrdom you went to Father’s home,
By lightening God had smashed the awful idols.

With Godly zeal you were inflamed,
So you defied with ease the inquisition.
Good Tidings boldly you proclaimed,
But were accused of sorcery and superstition.

With virile fortitude you faced the cruelties and pain,
With ardent love you prayed for fiends and killers.
Then eight of them repented and had suffered blame,
After being harshly beaten by the lucid angels.

And all your wounds were healed by Divine will,
But hearts of tyrants were yet hardened.
Their stubbornness has brought God’s ordeal,
So nine of torturers were hit and deadened.

And after many trials you appeared
In health and beauty as a fragrant flower,
Because all wounds were disappeared.
Displaying Jesus’ mighty reign and power.

Praise be to God who kept you safely in the flame.
To God be glory, for He softened the ferocity of lion.
Thanks be to God by whom you smiled at the pain,
For whom you joyously accepted the beheading iron.

Celestial Father crowned you with glory and eternal fame,
Your Bridegroom Jesus has consoled you with His Godly cuddle,
And Holy Spirit comforts you with love and tender name.
For mankind pray and intercede for us before the Holy Trinity in Heaven,
Where you with saints and angels God’s abide forever.​

добавил: Daniel Hosseini 3 читателя

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