Автор: Юлія Лапушанська
God is always here And He always have been. He was here when you was crying. Not in this night, but on one of... He was here when You need His calming hand. He was here. Just with You... When you used to feel like everyth1ng is out of control He is here and you can't change it You shouldn't to ask him to go to you He is already here Religion is not about feeling Please, take it off And accept your soul Please, accept you totally. Just as you are Because you can't change it. Your behaviour - yes, but... Your personality - it's just beautiful. You can only believe in it. You are. Already. Perfect. You are here. For His glory He has created you just as you are to be His sunshine. He wants you to shine. To open the heavens for the others. He wants you to be open. To be open to others. Not too much vulnerable, but enough to be baptized in Jesus's name with leaving all sins out of this life Sometimes I believe that I am already here In heavens. It looks like I am already living my best live With the best ever God And only : God, I am so thankful Please, lead me to You majesty. I am ready and open to accept Your commands I am ready to be Your. I am ready to shine I am ready to shine: every time. Every time You are calling me, somewhere, God... I am already ready to go here. Please, call me higher. To Your new way What is next? I am so nervous and overwhelmed : Jull, you shouldn't be. Your next step is wonderful. Your future life is under blessing and protection of the Almighty. But, God... I want to preach higher. I want to tell more. I want to be more open. And honest. About everything I have. And have had. God, I am ready. Please, send me. To go. : But God knows His timing. You can't push anything in your life timing. He knows the perfect time. And this is perfect for real It's so hard to tell something without being lead. So He will give you leading. He will prepare you. He will give you the right words. He will bless you in the way. You will be really big blessing. For His glory. You will be the preacher. Of His mercy. When you open the Bible... It's just unreal. To be without His direction. To be without His blessing. You are under the protection of the Almighty. Please, be calm. He knows better. He knows besser. He knows your life. He knows you. He knows your struggles. He knows your pain. He knows your art. Your wishes. Everything you try to hide from yourself and be under the protection of the Almighty. He will show. He will show your talents. He will send you to preach. To the people around you. When you ask His for something, He has asked you to ask for it. He is already ready. He waits for you. He is always ready and wants the same from you.